Emergencies happen. Even in the most organized, well-maintained and meticulously prepared situations. You can’t always predict what is going to happen or when, knowing who to call when trouble strikes can help anyone feel more prepared. That’s where Wessuc comes in. Fully equipped including 24/7 assistance to help whenever we are needed. We want everyone to know that we have their backs and will work around the clock until the situation is under control.
Our crews have experience in emergency services such as:
- Bypass
- Vacuum services
- Hauling
- & More
24/7 Emergency Hotline:
Emergencies don’t run on business hours and often need immediate attention, which is one of the reasons Wessuc offers around the clock emergency services. Keep the emergency hotline number in your contacts, our hotline is monitored by our project managers who will dispatch our crews to get to your emergency quickly.
If you’re experiencing an emergency call the Wessuc emergency hotline – 1.866.493.7782
In August of 2021, Wessuc received an emergency call to bypass waste while construction crews worked on infrastructure. After dispatching 2 vac trucks to help with a pump station leak, our crews worked 24/7 connecting our hoses to existing pumps in the station, then hauling sewage from the existing pumping station to a second treatment plant. Traffic control is one of the most important things when dealing with emergencies and in order to control the flow of traffic and amount of trucks in and out of the plant, Wessuc placed 2 frac tanks on site to hold waste and reduce the number of trucks needed on the road.
Emergency Vac Services:
In February 2022, Wessuc received a call at 4 am regarding a spill from a pulp processing plant. We dispatched a vac truck and cleanup crew to the site to clean the entire parking lot of the spill and decant all liquids back into the system. The material was a liquid paper pulp product before it went to their dewatering process, and the spill was claiming real estate in the plant’s parking lot. With the help of our hard working crews and the proper equipment for the job, the employees were able to use their parking lot in record time.
If you would like to learn more about our emergency services contact your regional sales manager.
If you are in an emergency call our 24/7 emergency hotline – 1.866.493.7782